


June 11, 2018

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Consigue más reservas directas con estas cinco estrategias de pricing

Consigue más reservas directas con estas cinco estrategias de pricing

May 28, 2018

A la hora de poner precio a una habitación de hotel, apartamento o villa, hay que tener en cuenta diferentes factores como la calidad, la temporada y los beneficios que necesita el alojamiento. Pero estos factores no tienen en cuenta la experiencia ni la psicología del usuario, que son las que más importan a la hora de conseguir reservas directas.

Te explicamos las estrategias de pricing que te ayudarán a convencer al usuario para que reserve en tu web.

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Get more direct bookings with this five pricing strategies

Get more direct bookings with this five pricing strategies

May 28, 2018

When assigning the price for a hotel room, apartment or villa, some factors such as the quality, the season and the profits must be kept in mind. But these factors don't take into consideration the experience nor the psychology of the user, which are essential to get direct bookings.

These are the pricing strategies that will help you convince the user to reserve on your website.

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The five advantages of a cloud-native PMS

The five advantages of a cloud-native PMS

May 10, 2018

Desktop systems, on the cloud or hybrids, why is cloud-native the future?

In the same way that Gmail has provided email management to all of the users around the globe or Google Drive allows an easy and effective collaboration among other members; the cloud-native PMS systems are the new generation of hotel management programs.

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