Each hotel is different, that's why we have a flexible product with multiple pricing plans
Pricing excludes VAT (applicable only in European Union).
During your subscription period you'll have access to all themes, new releases, support and regular updates.
You also will be able to use CloudHotelier Cloud Services, like our cloud hosted HRS Manager and Secure Card Form.
You can upgrade your plan anytime you want. So, we recommend to start with Entry Plan and upgrade later.
That said, if you plan to use a fully self-hosted reservation system go directly for a Pro Plan.
You can fully test our products before purchase, with free downloads and fully-functional reservation system trial.
Given the nature of digital content, a refund on a purchase is not granted.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. We use Stripe to process your payments in this site.
Your website will continue working without problems, but you won't get support or updates for templates or paid extensions.
If you are using our cloud-hosted HRS Manager, you'll need to renew your plan, or switch to the self-hosted version before your plan expires.
Please note renewal is automatic unless you cancel your subscription.
You can cancel anytime through your Account, under the Subscription tab.
Only for customers in the European Union (EU), we're required to charge VAT on sales where VAT is applicable. You will get an invoice with VAT ID with each payment.
Nuestro blog sobre diseño web, marketing online y tecnología hotelera