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Master Overrides


could you explain this download?



Xavier Pallicer   November 2, 2016

Hello XXX !

This "master overrides" is a collection of layouts for JKit elements that are common in all our new templates.

Because all our new themes share this overrides, allows you to easily switch your website template without "broken" views or modules, just give it a try!

Our intention is that when releasing new templates, we will also be incrementing the options available for the layouts.

We are just at the starting this implementation, but in the future will allow you to have more customisation options.

For example, imagine that we release a new template with a different footer or bottom, as you may have noticed that by the moment all bottoms are the same.

Updating your current template and master overrides when a new layout is available, you will be able to choose between 2 or 3 different options for the bottom, that will work out of the box.

Hope this make sense to you!

Kindest regards!


user1697   November 4, 2016

With the latest update of master overrides it blokes the background image of contact footer,home featured and home collage.. How to fix? This is the site


Xavier Pallicer   November 5, 2016

Just hit F5 or CMD+R so you get your browser cache refreshed
