Whats the difference between the e-mails notification standing on:
Manage Properties>Hotels>Settings>Notify
I would like also to know if there is a way to solve the space problem between the logo and the menu/image description when viewing the site on a mobile device.
Best Regards
Sam June 20, 2018
The notify in Manage Properties>Hotels>Settings>Notify is for you as the hotel admin to receive a notification that someone has completed a reservation while the notify in System>Apps>Notify is linked to the voucher that the user receives when finishing a reservation.
The logo issue comes from a problem with the theme itself in mobile form, to try and work around this inconvenience you can try to reduce the size of the logo or maybe make the heading text a little smaller.
Gard June 20, 2018
Hello Sam,
But if I have both configurated I receive everything 2 times, the booking and the cc info. Is there any problem if I just leave the Notify box in the Apps field up and leave the Properties>Hotels>Settings>Notify blank?