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information about the booking notifications and analytics integration


I'm thinking on buying the proplan in order to create a new website for my hotel but I would like to know some informations before I buy it.

I tried to make some reservations but neither had I received the e-mail on the hotel e-mail or on the guest e-mail. I only received the e-mail with the creditcard number on the hotel e-mail. Do I have to configure anything in specific?

Other thing I would like to know is how I integrate your platform to the google analytics.




Joel   March 5, 2018

Hello, Gard.

You weren't reciveing a mail notification on the booking because you didn't put your mail in Voucher notification at the app. I puted it for you.

To integrate Analytics to your web you'll need to go to Extensions -> Templates -> Your template and paste your code on Googkle Analytics.

