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Multi-hotel: search, filter, by hotel name, region, or map

No way to smartly FILTER or search by REGION or MAP or any other key feature & interests whatsoever e.g. BEACH, PRICE, DISCOUNT RANGE, ALL INCLUSIVE etc Even though the current template can search for reservation from multiple hotels, EVERY other pages; calendar, hotel, room, gallery - all only handle one single hotel. I truly hope you will prioritize this template. At least have one true multi-hotel template for customers like me to use pending everything is perfect.



Xavier Pallicer   February 6, 2017

Hello There,

First of all, I want to be clear in this: we are not going to implement this features, as we are focusing in a tool to build single hotel, or small to medium hotel chain website. We believe this is our core business, as we think there's no chance for booking portals to being successful against and other industry giants.

I've always been clear in this point, no-one can say I promised to develop this feature, and never will.

That said, it could be quite easy for a skilled developer to implement it via custom modules and plugins. The system is prepared to do so.

Here's how, in the api helper, you'll see this code:

// trigger request modification plugins
JDispatcher::getInstance()->trigger('onApiRequest', [$request]);

All you have to do is develop a joomla plugin that will override the hotels ids you want to search

class plgCHClientCustomName extends JPlugin
	public function onApiRequest($request)
		// only front-end
		if (!JFactory::getApplication()->isSite())

		if (!$request->task == 'search_results')

		if ($request->data->hotel_id)

		// override hotels ids (usually filtered and stored in session variables)
		$request->data->hotels_ids = [];

Apart from this, you'll also need to have your hotels ids mapped in your database, and develop a custom modules in order to store the filtering in user variables (they can be published in chclient-sidebar-search position).

Please note that at this moment we are not available for custom development, please don't ask us to do so. That said, we will be more than happy to support your development team.

Kindest Regards
