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Setting up the currency choice in HRS Manager download

Step 1.
In HRS Manger, in your hotel settings, select the currency you want to use.

Step 2.
In your Joomla administrator, Components -> HRS Engine, Settings tab, default currency, introduce the ISO code of your hotel currency (for example: USD)

Optionally, for multi-currency sites only:

Step 3.
In your Joomla administrator, Extensions -> Modules, search for CloudHotelier Currency Module, typically called CURRENCY. Insert the currency codes you want to use, separated by commas, always use you default currency first: (for example: USD,EUR,GBP)

Step 4.
If you are using Cloud HRS Manager, you are done. If you are using your own installation, you'll need to set-up the currency exchange API and cronjob.

A. Setting up the currency exchange api.
In your Joomla administrator, Components -> HRS Manager, click the "Options" button. Insert your Open Exchange Rates API key, you can get one at

B. Set up HRS Manager cron
In your Joomla administrator, Menus -> System, create new menu item, select CloudHotelier Hotel Reservation Manager -> Cron. Create a cronjob to hit that url a few times a day.

HRS Manager tutorials coming soon. We are sorry they are not ready yet.

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