Step 1.
In HRS Manger, in your hotel settings, select the currency you want to use.
Step 2.
In your Joomla administrator, Components -> HRS Engine, Settings tab, default currency, introduce the ISO code of your hotel currency (for example: USD)
Optionally, for multi-currency sites only:
Step 3.
In your Joomla administrator, Extensions -> Modules, search for CloudHotelier Currency Module, typically called CURRENCY. Insert the currency codes you want to use, separated by commas, always use you default currency first: (for example: USD,EUR,GBP)
Step 4.
If you are using Cloud HRS Manager, you are done. If you are using your own installation, you'll need to set-up the currency exchange API and cronjob.
A. Setting up the currency exchange api.
In your Joomla administrator, Components -> HRS Manager, click the "Options" button. Insert your Open Exchange Rates API key, you can get one at
B. Set up HRS Manager cron
In your Joomla administrator, Menus -> System, create new menu item, select CloudHotelier Hotel Reservation Manager -> Cron. Create a cronjob to hit that url a few times a day.
HRS Manager tutorials coming soon. We are sorry they are not ready yet.
Submit a support ticket if you need further information.
Best Regards